The National Association for Continence states that approximately 4.2 million adults experience nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) in the U.S.: Children experience primary enuresis and adults are diagnosed with secondary enuresis. Although most children will outgrow bedwetting by the time they reach puberty, some continue this into adulthood, and throughout their entire lifetime.
Whether you have dealt with bedwetting all your life, or in the case this is something you have recently encountered, the first thing you should do is to make an appointment with your doctor. The cause for this could be something temporary or it may be due to a developing condition that is totally treatable. Although you may feel embarrassed by this subject, it is very important not to overlook it, put it off, or hope it will go away. The longer you wait the greater risk you are taking with your health.
Some of the main reasons for permanent or temporary adult bedwetting can be caused by diabetes, medications, surgery, menopause, prostate cancer or inflammation, weakening pelvic floor muscles, injury, or sudden onset mental stress. Your doctor can be your best line of defense when it comes to narrowing down what is causing the problem. This would also be a good time to shop for incontinence products for women or for men. The products are designed to keep you, your bed, and your bedclothes dry so you can get a better night's sleep.
There are few simple steps you can take to help manage adult bedwetting. Your life will be much easier when you begin wearing an adult diaper, pad, or pull-on underwear and place furniture pads and waterproof mattress covers on your bed. Other tips include the following:
- Avoid carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks, or alcohol late at night as these tend to make going to the bathroom more urgent. Drink water as needed to avoid dehydration and to avoid urinary tract infections. Try spacing medications throughout the day instead of taking them all at once before going to bed if possible, but this should be discussed with your doctor before changing any scheduled medications.
- Try to double-void before going to bed at night. After voiding, take a minute or two to void again to ensure your bladder is completely emptied. If you have trouble doing this, turn on the faucet and listen to running water as this can help substantially. Take your time and completely empty your bladder before going to bed.
- During the day, take a bathroom break and urinate every one to two hours. Try to stretch this to every two to three hours to re-train your bladder. During this time, be sure to wear a bladder control product that is suited for your bladder loss. There are a lot of discreet products today designed for daytime and nighttime wear to help you avoid any leaks or accidents.
Don't be embarrassed. Talk to your doctor, loved one or friend about adult bedwetting. You will quickly find that you are not alone, and that there are many alternatives available today to help you to live a happier, stress free life by taking advantage of the great incontinence products available just for you.