There are currently 13 million people across America who are managing some type of incontinence, and it affects anyone at any age. It can become a permanent part of your life, or it can be temporary. The good news is that there are numerous incontinence products available for women and more discreet products for men these days. Managing this condition is the key to living a happier, healthier life, and here are 5 ways to help manage your particular condition.
- Incontinence Products. A wide range of diapers, pads, pull-on underwear, and personal hygiene products for men and women of all sizes are more readily available today. To find what works best for you, try different products that offer different absorbencies. Trying out different products will ensure you know what works best for you and your particular set of circumstances. See our large selection of incontinence products
- Scheduled Toileting Program. Whether you are a caregiver, or managing bladder control on your own, scheduled voiding is a great way to stay dry and comfortable. Begin with voiding every two hours, and try to work up to every four hours. Each person will have different needs, but scheduled training can cut accidents by up to 80%.
- Exercise. Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor is an excellent way to manage bladder control. Kegel exercises can help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by tightening and relaxing the muscles for a few seconds a few times a day. Your health care provider can assist you in the proper way to initiate Kegel exercises.
- Walking. Walking strengthens your entire body, inside and out. If you are hesitant about starting a walking program because of incontinence, discreet bladder control products will give you the added confidence you need.
- Pharmaceuticals. There are a number of products on the market today that can aid with incontinence. These products work well for incontinence caused by sneezing, coughing, heavy lifting, etc.
If you or a loved one is managing incontinence, you are not alone. Seek help, research the right products, and be patient. Above all, don’t miss out on doing the things you love. Take charge of your life, and enjoy it because nothing is stopping you—not even incontinence.