3 Possible Incontinence Treatments

There are many different types of incontinence and numerous reasons for it, as well. The most common causes of permanent incontinence are from cancer, spinal cord injuries, birth defects, stroke, nerve damage, weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, and different diseases. Temporary incontinence can range from pregnancy, surgery, colds, flu, medications, and even certain foods and beverages. But there are treatments that can help to lessen the severity of incontinence and can serve to make your life much better.

1. Behavioral Changes. These are small steps you can take after discussing the subject with your doctor. Losing weight can help to take added pressure off your bladder, so if you are overweight, begin a healthy diet and remember to exercise as this will help to strengthen all the muscles in your body. Stop smoking, and cut back on caffeinated drinks and alcohol as these can cause more frequent urination. Spicy foods and certain medications can also cause incontinence. You can also put yourself on a bladder training schedule by holding off a little longer each time you feel the urgency to urinate. Wearing pull-on underwear for women or for men will prevent accidents during this time.

2. Correcting On-Going Health Problems. Urinary tract infections can cause urinary frequency in both men and women. If you suffer from chronic urinary tract infections and find you have to wear an adult diaper or discreet adhesive pad to prevent accidents, your doctor may suggest surgical procedures that can help with chronic urinary tract infections. Men who have an enlarged prostate gland can benefit from surgery and also from implants that can be placed in the bladder. Women can also benefit from surgical procedures, injections, implants or sling procedure. All of these options should be discussed with your doctor before deciding which procedure will work best for you.

3. Medications. Due to medical research and new technology, there are medications available that can help both men and women to better manage bladder control. There are medications for men that can help to decrease the size of the prostate gland and relax certain muscles that surround the urethra. Other medications can help an overactive bladder by relaxing the bladder wall muscles. If medications and behavior modifications are not enough, then the use of catheters and incontinence products may be of substantial benefit.

There are many options available to you today to help you to enjoy a full, productive life. When you first begin to notice you may have a problem, speak to a friend or loved one and seek the help of a good doctor. With all the available options today there is no reason to suffer alone. There is help and the sooner you take advantage of it, the better you will feel.