How To Select The Right Tena Adult Diapers
Why should you purchase Tena adult diapers for your loved ones? Tena adult diapers mean uninterrupted sleep and increased quality of life for your loved ones and can help make the care giving experience more pleasant. Tena diapers are better than other products on the market. Other products on the market are made of cotton fluff. For example, some other adult diapers cannot effectively manage higher levels of incontinence. Using inferior diapers other than Tena diapers will result in leaks, uncomfortable dampness and possible skin irritation. Tena diapers make it easy to be a caregiver--someone who is caring, responsible, and willing to provide the needs for another. Care giving can place a tremendous amount of stress on a person if they do not have adequate diapers for their loved one. Knowing the various absorbency options as well as the types of adult diapers and pads that are on the market can make it easier to care for a loved one. You need to be able to know what type of incontinence they suffer from in order to choose the best possible adult diaper for their body. If you are a caregiver who employs someone who changes diapers, Tena adult diapers make care giving easier on you and on the patient. Tena is proud of their adult diapers and offer ones that provide the right level of security, comfort, and protection for your loved one with the quality of care that they deserve. Tena understands the challenging situation of incontinence. Tena products make sure that your loved ones have the best possible products that guarantee their continued protection. The cost of their products may be higher from others but they do come with a higher level of protection than many of the other brands on the market. Most doctors suggest that people who use Tena adult diapers short term focus on getting their ability back to control their bodily functions. Some doctors suggest that their patients do Kegel exercises. These exercises are also called pelvic muscle floor training. Pelvic muscle floor training controls the issue of overactive impulses. Most people need to invest several months of training and practicing Kegel exercises. Tena adult diapers are very absorbent and can help reduce the amount of times that a person needs to have their diapers changed during the day. Tena has many different adult absorbent products that can help a person live with their incontinence and maintain a certain level of confidence. It may be a wise decision to purchase adult diapers in bulk. Getting adult diapers in bulk can help you find the best diaper sets that are available for you. Adult diapers are very convenient for your loved one and are able to provide a great deal of comfort for their incontinence. Some adult diapers manufactured by Tena may be able to be used in pool and swimming therapy situations. These diapers will have a special indication in the instructions and are available based upon your needs. Tena has resources that are useful for dealing with incontinence on a daily basis. On the Tena site, you will find tips, product details, and other ideas that can help you make a difference for your loved one or the person who receives care from you. Using a tool to help match you or your loved one to the best adult diaper is a great way to manage incontinence. This is a condition that doesn’t need to be embarrassing! As long as you are focused on proper management of incontinence, you will find that it is not embarrassing and it is a condition that you can learn to overcome. Tena adult diapers can help you restore your confidence once again with the right absorbency and protection.
500 Different Types of Adult Diapers - How to Sort Them Out
After the age of 60 many adults will experience problems with incontinence. It is quite common to see women experience incontinence as they go through menopause and need to use products that help to catch the extra urine that leaks from their bladder when they laugh, cough, or sneeze. This type of incontinence is known as stress incontinence and it is the most common type of incontinence experienced by both men and women. It often happens more to women that have given birth as childbirth often causes the pelvic floor muscles to stretch out and they are not as likely to hold in the urine as they once could. The weaker muscles can not only lead to urine problems they can also cause fecal problems as well.Once you have been diagnosed by your doctor you can start exploring your options to find relief from incontinence. Many women find that using adult diapers is the best option. The new adult diapers are made specifically for both sexes, making it easy to manage incontinence and to still have a social life. Since you are in the market for adult diapers, let’s go over some of the different types that are out there so you can find the one that is perfect for your condition. Some of the categories you will see include the following:· Pads or liners· Adult briefs· Protective underwear· Beltless garments· Belted undergarmentsThere are products that can be reused and others that are disposable. So which one is right for you? It depends on your situation. It helps to have a look at the many products that are out there so you can find the right one: LiveAnew BestFit As far as adult diapers go, the most popular type that is chosen are the adult briefs. These diapers are very discrete and will help you to maintain your dignity as other people will not be able to tell that you are wearing the diapers. You can purchase them in disposable diapers or in reusable ones. The reusable diapers are less expensive and they are made from cotton, which helps them to appear closely to your regular underwear. These briefs are lightweight and are going to be the best option you have if you would like to find underwear that is as close to what you are used to wearing. Protective underwear is also commonly used but it is mostly used for individuals that tend to have more urine leakage throughout the day. The padding is much thicker from the briefs and you can purchase them in a pull up diaper. For light problems, pads and liners are wonderful options. These products allow you to wear your normal underwear, you just have to attach the pad or liner to it. It has a sticky backing so that it will stay secured in place when you are wearing the pad throughout the day. Overnight diapers are commonly used for those individuals that have problems at night. Using the overnight diapers will allow you stay safe at night and really will protect your bedding! No matter which type of adult diaper you choose to use you need to make sure you are using the right product for your situation. You have to look at the different sizes and styles to find one that will be comfortable for your needs and will allow you to enjoy your life without worrying about wetness and embarrassment from urinary incontinence.
Malnutrition in the Elderly: Causes, Costs and Consequences
Put simply, malnutrition is a state of nutrition (under or overnutrition) in which a lack of protein, energy and other nutrients causes measurable adverse effects on tissue and/or body form, composition, function or clinical outcome. In this section, we will focus on undernutrition as a nutritional concern.Malnutrition can be significant if a person has:a BMI of less than 18.5 kg/m2 a BMI less than 20kg/m2 and has had unintentional weight loss greater than 5% within the last 3-6 months had unintentional weight loss greater than 10% within the last 3-6 monthsPeople are also at risk of becoming malnourished if they have eaten very little or nothing for more than 5 days and/or this pattern is likely to continue. Malnutrition is, and continues to be, a serious problem in the UK. Worryingly, more than 1 in 4 of all adults admitted for a hospital stay, to a mental unit or a care home is at risk of malnutrition, which is a staggering statistic. It is a well-documented fact that worldwide, the elderly population is increasing, and with it, the incidence of malnutrition. Malnutrition is associated with significantly increased morbidity and mortality in independently living older people, as well as in nursing home residents and hospitalised patients. [5,6] BAPEN NSW 2007 revealed a high prevalence of malnutrition amongst our elderly population: 35% in adults over 80 years of age 25 – 35% in adults 60 – 80 years 25% in adults less than 60 years of age Causes of MalnutritionThere are many causes of malnutrition. These can include: Reduced intake: Poor appetite due to illness, food aversion, nausea or pain when eating, depression, anxiety, side effects of medication or drug addiction Inability to eat: This can be due to investigations or being held nil by mouth, reduced levels of consciousness; confusion; difficulty in feeding oneself due to weakness, arthritis or other conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, dysphagia, vomiting, painful mouth conditions, poor oral hygiene or dentition; restrictions imposed by surgery or investigations Lack of food availability: poverty; poor quality diet at home, in hospital or in care homes; problems with shopping and cooking Impaired absorption: This can be due to medical and surgical problems effecting digestion & stomach, intestine, pancreas and liver /or absorption Altered metabolism: Increased or changed metabolic demands requirements related to illness e.g. cancer; surgery, organ dysfunction, or treatment Excess losses: Vomiting; diarrhoea; nutrient fistulae; stomas; losses from nasogastric losses tube and other drains or skin exudates from burns People at risk of MalnutritionThose most vulnerable to malnutrition include: People just discharged from hospital Elderly people (16% in residential care) People with cancer and other long-term conditions People recovering from surgery Consequences of MalnutritionMalnutrition can often go undetected and when left untreated, it can have serious consequences on health, which include: Increased risk to infections Delayed wound healing Impaired respiratory function Muscle weakness and depression Costs of MalnutritionMalnutrition has been estimated to cost the NHS an incredible $12 billion each year, which is more than double the projected $5.7 billion cost that will be spent tackling obesity.This cost is based on patients who suffer from malnutrition: Needing a greater number of GP consultations Needing more frequent and more prolonged hospital admissions Having a higher rates of complications and mortality compared with nourished patients Detection of MalnutritionWith patients who you suspect are malnourished (or likely to become so), it is vital you identify the problem early so you can provide support and achieve the most effective use of resources. Although biochemical measurements can contribute to nutritional assessment, none can reliably measure nutritional risk e.g. a low serum albumin is almost always a marker of an acute phase response or fluid overload rather than a marker of malnutrition.There is therefore really no alternative to measurements of weight and height, along with other anthropometric measures in specialist circumstances. These measurements can then be used with the following questions: Has your patient been eating a normal and varied diet in the last few weeks? Has your patient experienced intentional or unintentional weight loss recently? Obesity or fluid balance changes and oedema may mask loss of lean tissue. Rapid weight loss is a concern in all patients whether obese or not Can your patient eat, swallow, digest and absorb enough food safely to meet their likely needs? Does your patient have an unusually high need for all or some nutrients? Surgical stress, trauma, infection, metabolic disease, wounds, bedsores or history of poor intake may all contribute to such a need Does any treatment, disease, physical limitation or organ dysfunction limit your patient’s ability to handle the nutrients for current or future needs? Does your patient have excessive nutrient losses through vomiting, diarrhoea, surgical drains etc? Does a global assessment of your patient suggest under nourishment? Low body weight, loose fitting clothes, fragile skin, poor wound healing, apathy, wasted muscles, poor appetite, altered taste sensation, altered bowel habit. Discussion with relatives may be important In the light of all of the above, can your patient meet all of their requirements by voluntary choice from the food available? Understanding that asking these questions take a significant amount of time and expertise, a number of screening tools have been developed to help you identify whether your patient is at risk of malnutrition. Given the high prevalence of malnutrition and lack of proper management of patients in various settings, performing a routine nutritional ‘screening’ should result in early identification of patients who might have otherwise been missed.A screening tool should therefore help establish reliable pathways of care for patients with malnutrition. Screening for malnutrition (and the risk of malnutrition) should be carried out by healthcare professionals with appropriate skills and training.
Caregivers and Social Security Disability Benefits
Acting as caregiver for someone with a debilitating condition or illness often comes with certain level of stress. Not only does caretaking require time and energy, but it also requires financial stability. When money is tight, caring for a sick or elderly individual can seem impossible. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration offers disability benefits to individuals who cannot work due to disability or illness. As a caregiver, these funds can be used to take care of medical bills, costs associated with living arrangements, or even things like food. Social Security Disability benefits may be the lifeline you need to provide a comfortable life for your loved one. Preparing for the Application For someone unfamiliar with the Social Security Disability application process, the task can seem daunting. To ensure the best possible outcome, it is important to be thoroughly prepared prior to filing your loved ones disability claim. The following information will give you a general overview of the application process and will help you get started. Step 1: Determine which program fits the needs of your loved one. The Social Security Administration (SSA) runs two separate benefit programs that each have their own eligibility requirements. It is important to learn about these programs so that you know which one best suits your loved ones needs. The first program—Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)—is funded by Social Security taxes that workers pay into the system. Therefore, eligibility is based on an applicant’s work history. To qualify for SSDI the individual that you care for must have earned a certain amount of what the SSA refers to as, "work credits". The second benefit program is called Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Eligibility for SSI is based on an applicant’s finances—not on his or her work credits. This is a needs-based program, meaning that those with limited income and financial resources can qualify for SSI. SSI is often a good option for young people and other individuals who haven’t earned enough work credits to qualify for SSDI. Step 2: Collect necessary records and documentation. The SSA requires that a large amount of documentation be submitted along with an applicant’s initial application. It is important that you collect this documentation prior to submitting your loved one’s claim. Giving yourself enough time to collect this information will prevent you from making a mistake and will save you from unnecessary stress. You will first need to collect medical records. These records are vital to receiving disability benefits because they serve as proof of your loved one’s illness or condition. It is recommended that you work closely with your loved one’s doctor or doctors to collect this information. These records may include documentation of the applicant’s diagnosis, treatments, response to treatments, hospitalizations, and medical tests. You should also ask the treating physician to supply an official statement detailing how your loved one’s condition prevents him or her from working. You may also need to collect records pertaining to your loved one’s work history and finances. If he or she is applying for SSI, you will need to gather proof of income and assets. If you find that you are having a hard time collecting any of this information, it may be in your best interest to retain the services of an attorney or advocate. A legal profession will be able to relieve you of this duty and will make sure that your loved one’s application includes the necessary paperwork. Step 3: Initiate the application process. Once you and your loved one are ready to begin the application process, you can do so online at the SSA’s website or in person at your local Social Security office. To complete the initial application, you will be asked to complete and submit a number of forms. These forms include the Adult Disability Checklist, the Adult Disability Report and an authorization to release medical information. The applicant will have to sign the forms giving permission to the SSA to obtain medical records from the applicant’s treating physicians. Make sure you submit all of the applicant’s medical documentation and any written statements from treating physicians along with the application for benefits. After you have submitted the application, you should receive a response within three to six months depending on where you live and the volume of claims being handled by your local Social Security office. Receiving a Decision Once you receive the SSA’s determination letter, you will be notified of the applicant’s approval or denial. If the applicant was denied benefits, it is important that you don’t give up. After an applicant is denied, they have the option to appeal the decision. Please note that nearly 70 percent of disability claims are denied during the initial stage of the application process. In the appeal phase nearly two-thirds of applicants are awarded benefits. Although it can be difficult to apply for disability benefits on another person’s behalf, keep in mind that these programs are here to help you. Helping your loved one apply for disability benefits can help you provide them with a more comfortable life. To learn more about disability benefits visit Social Security Disability Help.
How To Keep An Elderly Person In Bed At Night
Keeping an elderly person in their bed at night is a very important part of senior safety. Night time falls are common, and can lead to serious injury, hospital time, as well as many other problems. Proper night time care, and a few precautions can help keep an elderly person in their bed at night, and create a safer environment when they do get out of bed. Here’s what you should know: Eliminate the need to get up: The absolute best way to keep an elderly person in their bed at night is to eliminate the need to get up. Many elderly get out of bed to use the bathroom, get drinks, or simply because they can’t sleep, are uncomfortable, or are bored. Find ways to circumvent these things, and prevent the need to get up all together. Bathroom needs: The need to use the bathroom during the night is one of the top reasons elderly persons leave their bed at night. Help your elderly loved one stay in bed by providing bathroom assist products. Overnight adult diapers, bed pans, under pads, urinals, and other products can decrease the need to get out of bed, and thus reduce the risk of slips, falls, and other nighttime hazards. Drinks, food, medication: Eliminate the need to leave the bed for kitchen items, including drinks, food, and medication by using a bedside organizer, or bed stand. Include a water bottle, any needed medications, pain killers, etc., as well as a few snack items. It is also wise to put books, a reading light, and other entertainment options nearby as well. Having these items in arm’s reach helps keep seniors in bed, rather than walking around in the dark. Discomfort and boredom: Often seniors struggle to sleep, wake very early in the morning, or stay up late into the night. Being able to adjust themselves, sit up and read in bed, etc. can very useful, and protect them. Often when seniors first wake, it is easy for them to lose balance and fall. Providing tools like a BedCaddie, which is designed to help seniors adjust themselves in bed by pulling themselves up the ladder like tiers to a sitting position, can help make time spend in bed more comfortable, and eliminate the need to exit the bed. Safety rails: Safety rails can also help to keep an elderly person in bed at night, as they protect them from falling out of bed during the night, and can help them support themselves so that when they do leave the bed, be it day or night, they have something to hold on to as they climb in and out of bed. This extra support is great for helping maintain balance when groggy, or in the dark. It is also important to recognize that sometimes, despite precautions, there will be a need to get out of bed. Thus, in order to make it safer if they do get out of bed, consider the following: Clear clutter, and make sure there is a clear path to bathroom, kitchen, etc. Use light, night lights and motion sensor lights can help a lot. Make movement safe with non skid mats, lit walking paths, motion sensor lights, bed rails, and more. Make sure they have secure footing with slipper socks, or socks with traction built in. Be careful with furniture placement. The CareGiver Partnership offers 500 items for senior care and care giving, as well as a staff of knowledgeable product specialists that can help you find the best products for your unique needs. To contact a product specialist call 800-985-1353 M-F 9-4 Central.
Finally… An Incontinence Swim Diaper for Older Children, Teens and Adults
If necessity is the Mother of Invention, perhaps mothers are the best inventors. When Discovery Trekking Outfitters designed their adult swim diaper for those who are incontinent, they did so out of need. Diane, one of the partners, could not find an effective swim diaper for her teenage son, so he was not allowed in the pool. Although there were a few products available, they simply didn’t fit properly which resulted in poor containment. They were difficult to put on and rigid fabric did not allow for ease of movement. It wasn’t hard to see that the design was wrong. Finding the right fabric was a challenge. As the owner of Discovery Trekking, Diane's expertise was in specialty fabrics. She realized that she could not simply use cotton or nylon, which is what most existing swim diapers are made from. The garment had to be waterproof, but comfortable next to skin. She insisted on 4-way stretch to fit snugly and increase adjustability. The fabric she wanted did not exist, so she worked with several mills to develop what we needed. While more costly, it would have been pointless to manufacture something that wasn’t exactly right. Available in 9 sizes $50-$60 depending on size (shipping is included) Many of our clients lead active lives and are able to dress themselves, however some cannot. Therefore the swim diaper needed to open fully for ease in dressing. There are many body shapes, and the Velcro closures enable adjustments that take this into consideration. The garment can be closed on an angle to accommodate anyone, including persons with small waist and large hips, or persons with larger waist sizes and smaller thighs. This is extremely important for both comfort and effectiveness. Each swim diaper fits a waist or hip size range to allow for weight gain or loss, in sizes from x-small to 5XL.Diane did not set out to become manufacturer of continence products. In fact, Discovery Trekking has grown mainly due to the huge popularity of their specialty moisture-wicking, anti-bacterial towels, stay-dry bedding, and clothing. Most large continence manufacturers have overlooked the needs of adults that require products such as the adult swim diaper. Think of them as Little Swimmers for bigger people. Maybe the name should be named Big Dippers! We continue to provide such necessary products so others will not share the frustration Diane felt when her son was not allowed to swim. LiveAnew sells adult swim diaper products, including adult and youth swim diaper choices, adult size swim diaper reusable products, and adult swim diapers in several colors. Adult swim diapers allow people with fecal incontinence to get back into life. We have swim diapers in many youth and adult sizes and in several colors. Whether you have a special needs child or experience incontinence yourself, these swim diapers allow you to enjoy life a bit more. Adult swim diaper products allow you to confidently spend time at the beach or in the pool. Youth swim diapers help older children or very small adults. An adult size swim diaper allows you to use the pool because they provide containment for fecal incontinence (not urine). An adult swim diaper or youth swim diaper can be very comforting for those who could not otherwise swim in the pool Get Back Into Life! It seems like only yesterday that Kimberly-Clark introduced Little Swimmers brand swim pants. They were an instant sensation and many pools required them. They were fine for babies and little kids... but that was all. Until now. The new Swim Pants are designed to be worn next-to-skin under a swim suit. They are specifically made for bowel containment. Also works great as a cover up for disposable or cloth diapers The Nitty Gritty Comfortable fit: High tech stretch polyurethane fabric with soft fleece lining Fits comfortably and discreetly Wear under a bathing suit, next to skin Worn under swim suit: Designed for bowel containment with strong velcro closures Versatility: Also great as a diaper cover for cloth or disposable diapers Security in the pool: Elastic waist & legs for added security Polyester/Spandex blend bonded to a waterproof polyurethane shell. Latex free. 9 sizes for a perfect fit: XS to 5XL; fits waist/hip sizes 22" to 58" - unisex Women order by hip sizing; men by waist Machine wash warm; hang to dry Not returnable Need a pair custom made for a pre-teen or larger child who has outgrown disposable swim diapers like Little Swimmers. Call us at 1-800-411-3008
How To Increase Your Bladder Control Protection
While caring for my mother and helping her manage her incontinence I began to notice that the incontinence product she was using was not offering enough protection. More and more frequent changes needed to be made and often times I had to help my mother change clothes and even clean up leaks and accidents on furniture and bedding. The situation was highly frustrating and embarrassing for Mom. A friend introduced me to the idea of using a booster pad with a more absorbent garment. Booster pads are designed to fill up and then over flow into the garment below. Regular feminine care or incontinence pads are not. Prevail Bladder Control Pads Ultimate-16" are made to help a regular incontinence product provide a higher level of protection against leaks and accidents. While they can be used by themselves, when they are used with another incontinence product for moderate to heavy incontinence they can provide higher levels of absorbency and reliability. Many people who are dealing with incontinence prefer to have to simply change their incontinence pad rather then constantly having to change their adult diaper. Prevail Bladder Control Pads-16" can help you to effectively manage your incontinence or that of someone in your care. Following are 3 reasons Prevail Bladder Control Pads Ultimate-16" can be the right incontinence product to help you manage your needs are: Prevail Bladder Control Pads are shaped to fit the body. The makers of the Prevail line - First Quality Products, do this by having a pad which will fit easily against the body with an outer fabric that is cloth like. This not only makes the incontinence pad more effective it is far more comfortable for the wearer. With Prevail incontinence pads there is no reason to put up with a bulky and ill-fitting pad in order to get the protection you need. Prevail Bladder Control Pads have technology which helps enhance their protection. This incontinence product features the Target Acquisition Zone and the Blue Stay-Dry Strip. This means any liquid will be wicked away from the skin. When urine is kept locked away from the skin then the wearer can count on the ultimate in skin dryness and leakage protection. In addition, this incontinence product also will stay secure due to the fact it has a full-length adhesive strip to hold it in place. Prevail Bladder Control Pads offer a higher level of protection due to the size of the incontinence pad. The 16" pad provides the longest pad length and absorbency in the Prevail line. Users of this type of incontinence supplies can be assured the longer coverage will give them the additional protection they are looking for. In addition, this incontinence product can be used day or night for additional protection. Incontinence Products. A State of Confusion Consumers are very confused about which incontinence products will work best for them or a loved one. In a recent study, Kimberly-Clark, makers of Depend and Poise brands, discovered that those buying incontinence products for the first time, waste $130 on average in trial and error mode. That’s about 10 bags of products that can’t be returned, once opened. That’s why the Free & easy BestFit was developed.
After My Daughter Olivia Was Born, I Began To Experience Accidental Bowel Leakage (ABL)
Don't let ABL negatively impact life after child-birth. Having a child was one of the best things my husband and I ever did. I do not regret getting pregnant, nor bring Olivia into the world, but after having her, I began to experience accidental bowel leakage. While I was prepared for some of the unpleasant things that can result from childbirth, such as weight gain and stretch marks, I had no idea I was going to have to deal with ABL. It is so frustrating and embarrassing, and sometimes I can’t help but wish I had known the risks before getting pregnant. I know that any problem or side-effect is worth it to have this beautiful little girl, but ABL has negatively impacted my social and work life, my confidence, and has even changed my personality. I am turning into a recluse. What can I do? ABL is the accidental leakage of stool or gas. Over 2% of the population has ABL, and yet that does not make it any less embarrassing. The soiled underwear, the fear that a fart will be a shart, and the odor and discomfort are all part of ABL. 1 in 5 women over age 40 experience ABL. Pregnancy can lead to ABL because the sphincter muscles can be stretched and damaged during pregnancy and labor, or the nerves may be damaged. This can mean the sphincter no longer adequately controls the anus, keeping it closed. This can lead to stool leakage and/or the inability to control gas. For some the symptoms are minor, while for others they are more severe. Are women who have ABL after pregnancy without hope? Is the damage irreversible? Is having ABL the price for having a baby like Olivia?Fortunately, even when the sphincter muscles are injured or damaged during childbirth, if the problem is recognized and repaired, there is a good chance of proper healing and a full recovery. However, it can take time for proper healing to take place. So how can you get tested, treated, and manage symptoms in the meantime? The first step is to talk to a doctor. The doctor will ask questions to evaluate things like your bowel habits, other medical problems that could contribute to your incontinence, and the severity of the symptoms you have. The doctor will examine the sphincter muscles, rectum, and lower colon, and may order some tests for the pelvic floor and nerve function. X-rays may be needed to determine the area of injury and to check for rectal prolapse. Your doctor will then offer a treatment plan which may include things like a diet change, pelvic muscles exercises (Kegels), and possible medications or medical treatment. To manage your light ABL while waiting for treatment to work and correct the problem, consider Butterfly pads. The Buttefly pad is a new kind of discreet protection for ABL. It fits comfortably and invisibly in the buttocks, providing secure protection without the discomfort, bulk, and embarrassment of traditional fecal incontinence products. It has an absorbent core, odor protection, and stay fast wings to give protection you can count on. Learn more about ABL, and visit here to see this innovative new product and order a sample to see if the Butterfly could be your solution for peace of mind, confidence, and protection while treating your ABL.