10 Tips to Help Those With Dementia Manage Incontinence
by Dianna Malkowski, Physician Assistant & Nutritionist A recent study shows patients diagnosed with symptoms of dementia are more likely to be incontinent. Following are practical tips for managing incontinence while coping with dementia and information on how one company is engaging minds and funding Alzheimer’s research.Patients diagnosed with dementia have three times the rate of diagnosis of urinary incontinence and four times the rate of fecal incontinence, according to a study published in August in PLOS Medicine, a journal of the Public Library of Science. Dementia refers to a set of symptoms, which may include loss of recent memory, poor judgment, or difficulty with language or performing familiar tasks. Alzheimer’s, a neurological disease, accounts for a large percentage of dementia cases, although there are other causes.When patients have trouble recognizing physical urges or remembering where a bathroom is located, it can contribute to bladder or bowel incontinence. Certain medications also relax the bladder muscles or cause increased urination.The Alzheimer’s Association is a valuable source of tips for helping a loved one cope with dementia and incontinence. Here are some ideas:1. Regular reminders of where a bathroom is located.2. Encouraging a regular bathroom schedule.3. Ensuring the path to the bathroom is well lit and free of obstacles.4. Proving visual cues, such as painting the bathroom door a contrasting color and posting a toilet sign on the door.5. Increasing bathroom safety with grab bars, a raised toilet seat and a bath bench.6. Providing clothing that is easy to remove, with no complicated belts or buttons.7. Using an Incontinence Product Finder to narrow down products by gender, absorbency, style and price.8. Explaining the importance of keeping skin clean, moisturized and protected, using products made to prevent breakdown and infection.9. Protecting bedding and furniture with disposable pads. 10. Encouraging a loved one to cut back on fluids before bedtime or long trips, but never withholding fluids, which can lead to dangerous dehydration. R.O.S. Benefit Bundle is designed to keep minds active. In 2012, The CareGiver Partnership joined forces with R.O.S. Therapy Systems, a North Carolina company that develops activity tools for seniors and adults living with dementia, Parkinson’s, and various physical and developmental challenges. R.O.S. products are designed to stimulate social interaction, increase engagement and positive emotions, and promote use of cognitive abilities. Each R.O.S. Benefit Bundle includes coupons for valuable savings from partnering organizations like The CareGiver Partnership and Visiting Angels. For each Benefit Bundle sold, R.O.S. donates $50 to the Alzheimer’s Association to help fund research and support programs.The Public Library of Science is a nonprofit publisher headquartered in San Francisco, with an editorial office in the United Kingdom. It advocates open-access publishing as a sustainable way to publish peer-reviewed research. Read the full article on dementia and incontinence.Dianna Malkowski is a Board Certified Physician Assistant and Mayo Clinic trained nutritionist specializing in diabetes, cancer, wound healing, therapeutic diets and nutrition support.
2 Strategies to Conceal Your Adult Diapers From Public View
Wearing adult diapers is incredibly embarrassing to many people. You may constantly worry that other people can see you are wearing adult diapers and that they will know you suffer from urinary incontinence. How can you find urinary incontinence products that can be easily hidden from other people? Thanks to the large variety of incontinence products on the market now it is easy to find a number of products that will greatly benefit your situation and will allow you to maintain your dignity as you focus on living without embarrassment from incontinence. As you seek out the right incontinence products it helps to learn more about your condition and what you can do to try and manage it naturally. Some things like lifestyle changes may be able to help improve your incontinence problem include reducing your intake of foods that can cause your bladder to be irritated. Here is a link to help you understand incontinence: http://caregiverpartnership.com/landing/incontinence/. This way you can see what type of products are recommended for the various types of incontinence out there. Individuals with urinary incontinence products will use them based on different levels of absorbency along with gender needs. In order to help you conceal your adult diapers so others cannot see them, you need to consider using the following strategies in your daily life: Use products that are easy to hide. Instead of opting for adult diapers that are bulky and hard to conceal it is a wise idea to try using incontinence pads. The incontinence pads are easier to change out and you can keep a spare set in your pocket or purse, making them easy to take with you and to change out. The other nice thing about the incontinence pads is that they are usually pretty quiet to change in the bathroom. They aren’t going to make a lot of noise so people in other stalls won’t be able to hear you changing out your incontinence pads. Most of the restrooms will include a trash can where you can dispose of your incontinence products. If they do not, it is a wise idea to keep a bag with you and some disposable bags that you can take along and toss your disposable incontinence products. You can purchase some discrete bags that are scented, in case you need to carry around the used incontinence product with you for a little bit. Other people prefer to use lunch bags as they do not reveal what is inside and helps to make it a little easier for you to hide what you are tossing into the garbage. Select the right type of incontinence products. If the disposable adult diapers look bulky and you can see them when you look at yourself in a mirror consider trying out the washable incontinence products. You can find incontinence underwear that looks very similar to your regular underwear and it’s hard to tell that it is used to help you manage your incontinence problem. You can also find incontinence underwear that comes in a variety of colors and styles, which can make them very easy to hide. In addition to buying the right incontinence products you also need to wear clothing that is comfortable and helps to do it’s hard in concealing your adult diaper. Do not wear pants that show your underwear when you bend over or make sure you always use a belt to keep them in place. It is also a good idea to wear shirts that are a little longer or shirts that you need to tuck in so that you won’t have your incontinence underwear show. Managing incontinence can be done thanks to the right products. If you have diabetes and you are dealing with incontinence click on the following link: http://caregiverpartnership.com/landing/diabetes/. This will help you to understand what type of incontinence products you should consider using but also what type of treatments are available for your situation.
Why Is My Diarrhea Oily?
There are many different causes of oily diarrhea in both children and adults.Some may be more of a nuisance while others can indicate a serious condition. Educating yourself about the reasons this can happen will allow you to determine if you should seek out medical intervention. Oily bowel movements or diarrhea are indicated by oil droplets which float in the toilet water, stools that may have white or yellow fat in them or stools that float (this is caused by a large amount oil in the stool). Some people have even reported orange or waxy bowel movements. If you notice this is happening then it is important to be aware of the many causes so you can seek out medical help if necessary. Find the Best Products for Oily DiarrheaHere are the most common reasons you may be experiencing oily bowel movements or diarrhea: Caused by foods-You may be surprised to learn simply by eating certain foods can cause this condition. Most often the culprit behind this problem is fish. There are 2 fish that are commonly the reason for this to happen. Escolar and oil fish are the by catches (often caught up in the nets of common fish) from many different fisherman. These fish are known to have an indigestible type of fat which is referred to as wax esters. This can build up in the rectum and when the body will not tolerate any more then an oily diarrhea can be the result. Caused by medications-There are a number of different drugs which can cause this to happen. Before you begin any new medication, you should check with your pharmacist to see if this is a common side effect. One of the most common reasons individuals have this happen is when they are taking the drug known as Orlistat. This drug is most often prescribed for weight loss. The drug Alli is the brand name version and can be bought over the counter. This drug works by inhibiting an enzyme called lipase which is released from the stomach and pancreas. The gastrointestinal system needs lipase to break down fat. In effect, this drug causes fat mal-absorption. This is the reason many users of this drug find they have oily bowel movements and diarrhea. Caused by medical conditions-There are a number of different medical conditions which can also cause this to happen. Some of these conditions include but are not limited to: cystic fibrosis, celiac sprue, inflammatory bowel disease, acute or chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. If you are experiencing chronic oily diarrhea along with other symptoms of any of these conditions you should immediately call your doctor. Because these medical conditions are serious anyone who is dealing with chronic diarrhea (oily or not), will need treatment in order to resolve this. Do not let fear or embarrassment keep you from seeking medical treatment. Keep in mind the earlier a diagnosis is made the easier and more effective treatment can be.
Hypnosis And Its Role In Curing Adult Incontinence
Hypnosis may or may not work. Read more. There are a number of incontinence products used to manage issues related to incontinence but what about treatments for it? If you are tired of living with incontinence on a daily basis, there may be some treatment options that you need to consider exploring in order to see if they can bring you results or not. One of the popular treatments for curing adult incontinence is to undergo hypnosis. The real question is does hypnosis work in curing incontinence? Let’s explore this issue a little further!What is incontinence?Before we dive into hypnosis it may help to look at the reasons why you or a loved one may be suffering from incontinence. Incontinence is when the body is unable to hold in urine and may release it at any time without warning or may release it when extra stress is placed on the bladder like when you laugh or sneeze. It is important that you speak to your doctor about incontinence in order to find out what type you have an what the treatments are. They may need to test you for other risk factors like diabetes in order to determine that incontinence is not a symptom of another serious health issue.Treatments for incontinenceMost individuals will be able to manage their incontinence by using quality incontinence products. You need to shop around to find products that will suit your body type correctly. Incontinence products for women are created differently from incontinence products for men. In addition to using the products to manage your daily life, your doctor may recommend other things like exercise and dietary changes. Watch this video. How to choose the right incontinence product. Hypnosis for incontinence Using hypnosis you may be able to find some relief from your issues with incontinence. You can choose to use self-hypnosis in order to see if it works in managing incontinence. What hypnosis will do is help your subconscious to understand the problem with the body and to focus on addressing the problem. Having the subconscious thought it is suggested that the body will automatically focus on strengthening the sphincter muscles where urine loss is occurring. If self-hypnosis does not work with your incontinence problem you may need to seek out the professional help of a hypnotist.A hypnotist will end up putting you into a sleep state where they have access to your subconscious to address the issue you are having with incontinence. They will relax your mind and help it to move toward understanding the goals that you have set forth in order to control incontinence problems. While it is common to be pretty skeptical of hypnosis and to think that it might not work, there have been a large number of clients that say hypnosis cured their incontinence problem. For the hypnosis to work you must meet with your doctor first to get the right diagnosis. Once you have this, your hypnotist will have an easier time helping your subconscious to address the right issue at hand and find a way to cure your problem. Depending upon how your body responds to the treatment from a hypnotist you may be able to avoid using incontinence products ever again! This is a welcome relief to many people that find that the cost of the supplies is too expensive to deal with. It is also nice to know that you won’t need to worry all the time when you go out in public as you have control over your bladder once again. Try the LiveAnew BestFit Helper
How To Increase Your Bladder Control Protection
While caring for my mother and helping her manage her incontinence I began to notice that the incontinence product she was using was not offering enough protection. More and more frequent changes needed to be made and often times I had to help my mother change clothes and even clean up leaks and accidents on furniture and bedding. The situation was highly frustrating and embarrassing for Mom. A friend introduced me to the idea of using a booster pad with a more absorbent garment. Booster pads are designed to fill up and then over flow into the garment below. Regular feminine care or incontinence pads are not. Prevail Bladder Control Pads Ultimate-16" are made to help a regular incontinence product provide a higher level of protection against leaks and accidents. While they can be used by themselves, when they are used with another incontinence product for moderate to heavy incontinence they can provide higher levels of absorbency and reliability. Many people who are dealing with incontinence prefer to have to simply change their incontinence pad rather then constantly having to change their adult diaper. Prevail Bladder Control Pads-16" can help you to effectively manage your incontinence or that of someone in your care. Following are 3 reasons Prevail Bladder Control Pads Ultimate-16" can be the right incontinence product to help you manage your needs are: Prevail Bladder Control Pads are shaped to fit the body. The makers of the Prevail line - First Quality Products, do this by having a pad which will fit easily against the body with an outer fabric that is cloth like. This not only makes the incontinence pad more effective it is far more comfortable for the wearer. With Prevail incontinence pads there is no reason to put up with a bulky and ill-fitting pad in order to get the protection you need. Prevail Bladder Control Pads have technology which helps enhance their protection. This incontinence product features the Target Acquisition Zone and the Blue Stay-Dry Strip. This means any liquid will be wicked away from the skin. When urine is kept locked away from the skin then the wearer can count on the ultimate in skin dryness and leakage protection. In addition, this incontinence product also will stay secure due to the fact it has a full-length adhesive strip to hold it in place. Prevail Bladder Control Pads offer a higher level of protection due to the size of the incontinence pad. The 16" pad provides the longest pad length and absorbency in the Prevail line. Users of this type of incontinence supplies can be assured the longer coverage will give them the additional protection they are looking for. In addition, this incontinence product can be used day or night for additional protection. Incontinence Products. A State of Confusion Consumers are very confused about which incontinence products will work best for them or a loved one. In a recent study, Kimberly-Clark, makers of Depend and Poise brands, discovered that those buying incontinence products for the first time, waste $130 on average in trial and error mode. That’s about 10 bags of products that can’t be returned, once opened. That’s why the Free & easy BestFit was developed.
Heard of Over Active Bladder? What About Under Active Bladder?
Learn more about Symptoms and Causes of Under Active Bladder Patients with an underactive bladder are unable to produce an effective voiding (emptying) contraction. This is sometimes referred to as voiding difficulty. The International Continence Society refers to the condition of detrusor under activity, defined as a contraction of reduced strength and/or duration, resulting in prolonged bladder emptying and/or failure to achieve complete bladder emptying within a usual time span. It is characterized by the loss of usual sensation of the bladder filling and failure of the detrusor muscle to contract as forcefully as it should, resulting in incomplete bladder emptying. This condition has also been referred to as a hypotonic or flaccid bladder or detrusor hypoactivity. The prevalence of underactive bladder remains unknown.Symptoms include: Frequency Incomplete bladder emptying Incontinence Urgency Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections A symptom of voiding difficulty is the complete inability to void a full bladder. Other symptoms caused by voiding difficulty may be incontinence leading to skin problems and recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Some patients describe the need to 'double void'. Common Causes of Under Active Bladder The most common causes of detrusor underactivity can be classified as:NeurologicalDamage to the peripheral nerves of the bladder or the lower spinal cord may cause the sensation of bladder filling to be absent or reduced, and the bladder is emptied by frequent voiding of small amounts of urine. Large residual volumes may accumulate (500-2,000ml), which are associated with difficulty in emptying the bladder and overflow urinary incontinence.Patients with spinal cord lesions frequently present with lack of detrusor-sphincter synergy and it is a particular feature of voiding difficulties in older people following CVA. Normal voiding also relies on a synergy between the bladder contracting and the bladder neck opening. When this is interrupted, the patient will experience constant urinary urge due to detrusor contraction and inability to relax the internal sphincter. The result is incomplete bladder emptying with significant residual volumes and urge incontinence.Suprapontine lesions usually result in detrusor areflexia (a non-contractile bladder). The bladder fails to empty because it has little muscular activity and assisted voiding may take place bystraining. The patient may present with symptoms of incomplete bladder emptying, frequency and urgency, but on further examination there is a poor flow rate and often a significant post-void residual urine volume.MyogenicWith parasympathetic nerve stimulation the muscarinic receptors in the bladder should contract. Following an epidural this muscle activity may be absent or reduced, leading to acute retention of urine and insidious voiding difficulty. Ischaemia of the detrusor can also be the result of unrelieved urine retention.IatrogenicIt is reported that 80 per cent of patients with voiding disturbance after pelvic procedures will resume usual voiding within six months. Injury to the hypogastric, pelvic and sometimes the pudendal nerve supply results in damage to the sympathetic, parasympathetic and somaticnerve fibres. Decreased parasympathetic nerve supply results in decreased bladder contractility and potentially areflexia.AgeingIn addition to metabolic changes, the volume and elasticity of the bladder can change as we get older. The amount of nerves per mm2 of muscle decreases with age and occurs to the same extent in men and women.ObstructionProstatic enlargement which causes obstruction is due to hyperplasia or, less frequently, prostate cancer and urethral strictures. Severe vaginal prolapse can lead to obstructed voiding. Faecal impaction is a well recognised cause of obstruction.InfectionCystitis, urethritis or vulval abscess cause acute retention because of the reduced contractility of the detrusor muscle.MedicationDrugs with antimuscarinic properties block the chemical transmission of acetylcholine so that the muscles relax - examples are tricyclics, antihistamines, ganglion blockers, alphaadrenergic stimulants, phenothiazines and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.Spinal cord injuryThe degree of dysfunction is related to the severity and level of impairment. For example, if the injury is above T12, the patient may have a reflex bladder action, which will require minimal intervention. The bladder still has some or all of its reflexes. Patient with injuries at L1 andbelow, for example, in spina bifida, may have a flaccid bladder which does notcontract. Bladder emptying may need to be assisted. Used with permission by the UAB Foundation Learn more about Bladder Control Basics.
Dating With Incontinence: Tips and Tricks
It is possible to date with incontinence. Having incontinence can be a real blow to self-confidence. The discomfort that comes from potentially leaking, makes socializing awkward, let alone dating. However, it is possible to date with incontinence. The following are some tips to keep urinary incontinence from messing with your romantic relationships, and allow you to gain the confidence you need to socialize regularly: Tip one: Skip the triggers. Certain foods and beverages can irritate the bladder and increase the need to go. Skipping alcohol, caffeine, carbonation, citrus juices, and acidic foods can help decrease the urge to go, and help you get through social situations without having to use the bathroom too much. Tip two: Limit intake, but don’t dehydrate. If you are out on a date, be smart about your fluid intake. If you are seeing a movie for example, stop drinking water an hour or so before so you can make it through without too many trips to the restroom. But don’t let yourself get dehydrated, this will lead to more frequent urges, as the concentrated urine can irritate the bladder lining. Tip three: Plan well. When on a date, planning smart can help relieve anxiety. For example, pre-buy movie (or concert or whatever) tickets at the end of the row, nearest the exit so that if you need to go, you can make it to the restroom in time. Also go just before and just after the movie. Also having a backup outfit, or extra absorbent products can always make life easier should you leak. Women can carry a large tote style bag to hide a change, and men can slip an extra pair of briefs into their pant pocket, or keep a backup pack in their car. Tip four: Know where bathrooms are. If you know where to go when an urge hits, you will feel far more confident. It can be helpful to find family style bathrooms as they provide more privacy to someone who has to change an absorbent product or their clothing. There is more space, and no one will see your head above the stall. But even if they are not available, it can’t hurt to ask to be seated near a bathroom. And it can provide greater peace of mind. Tip five: Don't keep it secret too long. If you start to get serious with someone, or are considering intimacy, broach the subject, as it can be complex. Waiting until you are in the heat of the moment could prove to be far more embarrassing than getting it out there early. Explaining that it is a medical condition, and explain the treatment and management methods you are taking. Dating with bladder issues is not impossible, and incontinence should not be the reason you are staying in. You do not have to stick close to the bathroom and at home if you learn your triggers, how to deal with them, manage your symptoms, keep an open mind, and remember to practice healthy habits. Taking care of your body, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding things like alcohol and smoking, can help improve your symptoms and give you more confidence to date and socialize without embarrassment. Try the LiveAnew Bestfit tool
Causes and Diagnosis of Urinary and Bowel Incontinence
Incontinence is most common among older adults because bladder and sphincter muscles weaken with age, decreasing the body’s capacity to store urine and stool. Causes may be temporary and the condition may be treated with a change in habits, or they may indicate a more serious medical condition. Urinary and bowel incontinence often are correctable and always are manageable.Temporary CausesCertain foods, drinks and medications can cause temporary incontinence. Alcohol and caffeine act as a bladder stimulant and diuretic and can cause an urgent need to urinate, while carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners, and spicy or acidic foods also can aggravate the bladder. Heart and blood pressure medications, sedatives and muscle relaxants, and other medications may contribute to bladder control problems. Easily treatable medical causes include urinary tract infections and constipation, which can cause urinary or fecal incontinence, because impacted stool can put pressure on the bladder and weaken rectal and intestinal muscles. Diarrhea also can cause or worsen fecal incontinence.Longer-Term CausesSerious medical conditions that can cause urinary or bowel incontinence include obstruction, such as a tumor or stones; bladder or rectal cancer; and nerve damage, which can be caused by straining during bowel movements, spinal cord injury, stroke, diabetes or multiple sclerosis. In women, a decrease in estrogen production can lead to deterioration of the bladder lining and urethra, which can aggravate incontinence. In men, prostate problems such as inflammation, an enlarged gland or cancer, can contribute to incontinence. Dementia or other mental health problems also can make it difficult to recognize and respond to urges to urinate or defecate.DiagnosisIncontinence may be diagnosed and treated by a gynecologist or urologist, who will ask for a medical history and provide a physical exam of the abdomen, genitals, pelvis, rectum and nervous system. Methods for diagnosing urinary incontinence may include cystoscopy to view the inside of the bladder, urinalysis or urine culture, post void residual to measure urine left after urination, urodynamic studies to measure pressure and flow, and uroflow to measure flow pattern. Patients may be asked to keep a bladder diary before an exam or have a blood sample drawn. A fecal incontinence exam and diagnosis may include a digital exam, ultrasonography, and a range of other methods to test sensitivity and function.Maintaining Overall Health Blood vessel disease can increase the risk of overactive bladder, so it’s important to maintain good overall health by quitting smoking, treating high blood pressure and keeping weight within a healthy range. Because incontinence can cause serious skin problems that often lead to infection, it’s important to keep skin clean, moisturized and protected with products formulated to treat incontinence. Try the LiveAnew BestFit Helper
Being Smart About Stress Urinary Incontinence
You can manage incontinence and keep up with the life you want to live. Figuring It All Out When Sara first began experiencing incontinence symptoms she felt embarrassed and overwhelmed. This was something that had never happened before and she had no idea how to deal with the situation. She wondered how she could keep working, maintain a social life and even participate in the active lifestyle she loved. She did discreetly mention to one friend she was experiencing symptoms. Her friend replied she had just better buy some incontinence products and learn to live with it since it was a part of growing older and nothing could be done. It left Sara wondering if this was really true? When many people think of incontinence they automatically assume this is only a problem for the elderly, very ill and even bedridden. However, studies show nearly 25 million Americans are dealing with this issue. There are a number of steps you need to take in order to effectively manage incontinence but the good news is when you do, you can manage incontinence and keep up with the life you really want to live. Here are some important steps to take if you begin experiencing incontinence symptoms. See your healthcare provider for treatment. Many people automatically assume there is nothing that can be done medically when they begin having incontinence symptoms. They feel embarrassed about talking to their doctor and they assume incontinence is an automatic part of getting older. It is important to understand most incontinence has an underlying medical reason which means often times treatment can reduce or even eliminate symptoms. In addition, it should be stressed while the chances of incontinence increase as we age it is NOT a normal part of aging. Choose the incontinence supplies which meet your needs. Far too often when someone begins having incontinence symptoms they go to the nearest store and simply purchase the first incontinence product they see or they act on a recommendation from a friend or family member. It is important to understand not all incontinence is the same and your needs will be different from anyone else’s. You should take the time to research what it available and determine which incontinence supplies will work best for your incontinence management needs. Whats the best product for me or my loved one? It can be overwhelming to try and determine exactly what incontinence supplies you or the loved one in your care may need. There are more choices than ever before and they’re changing all the time. This creates even more confusion. There’s pull-on underwear for men, for women, for either; there’s boxers for men, adjustable underwear, briefs (adult diapers), pads for women, liners, guards for men, shields for men, underpads, chair pads, bed pads, undergarments, booster pads, swim pants, washable products, shaped pads, and soon bladder control inserts. LiveAnew understands this confusion and have created an easy to usestyle guide which explains all the style options which can help you determine what incontinence products are right for you or you can call and speak with one of their knowledgeable ladies. Plan ahead to deal with your incontinence symptoms while you continue on with your daily activities. The main key to being smart about incontinence is planning ahead. Make sure you have your incontinence supplies where you need them whether it be in your car, office or in a carry along bag. Know where restrooms are and determine when you will need to make a change. This way you can continue on with your daily activities while still managing your incontinence. Finally, if traveling make sure you are able to purchase your incontinence supplies at your destination or bring along enough for your vacation. Get real help from real people. However, even when you have an idea of what incontinence products you are looking for it can still be overwhelming. That’s why the free & easy Incontinence Product Finder was developed. It saves you time, money and frustration by making it easy to sort through hundreds of products - fast. The video below explains how it works.
After My Daughter Olivia Was Born, I Began To Experience Accidental Bowel Leakage (ABL)
Don't let ABL negatively impact life after child-birth. Having a child was one of the best things my husband and I ever did. I do not regret getting pregnant, nor bring Olivia into the world, but after having her, I began to experience accidental bowel leakage. While I was prepared for some of the unpleasant things that can result from childbirth, such as weight gain and stretch marks, I had no idea I was going to have to deal with ABL. It is so frustrating and embarrassing, and sometimes I can’t help but wish I had known the risks before getting pregnant. I know that any problem or side-effect is worth it to have this beautiful little girl, but ABL has negatively impacted my social and work life, my confidence, and has even changed my personality. I am turning into a recluse. What can I do? ABL is the accidental leakage of stool or gas. Over 2% of the population has ABL, and yet that does not make it any less embarrassing. The soiled underwear, the fear that a fart will be a shart, and the odor and discomfort are all part of ABL. 1 in 5 women over age 40 experience ABL. Pregnancy can lead to ABL because the sphincter muscles can be stretched and damaged during pregnancy and labor, or the nerves may be damaged. This can mean the sphincter no longer adequately controls the anus, keeping it closed. This can lead to stool leakage and/or the inability to control gas. For some the symptoms are minor, while for others they are more severe. Are women who have ABL after pregnancy without hope? Is the damage irreversible? Is having ABL the price for having a baby like Olivia?Fortunately, even when the sphincter muscles are injured or damaged during childbirth, if the problem is recognized and repaired, there is a good chance of proper healing and a full recovery. However, it can take time for proper healing to take place. So how can you get tested, treated, and manage symptoms in the meantime? The first step is to talk to a doctor. The doctor will ask questions to evaluate things like your bowel habits, other medical problems that could contribute to your incontinence, and the severity of the symptoms you have. The doctor will examine the sphincter muscles, rectum, and lower colon, and may order some tests for the pelvic floor and nerve function. X-rays may be needed to determine the area of injury and to check for rectal prolapse. Your doctor will then offer a treatment plan which may include things like a diet change, pelvic muscles exercises (Kegels), and possible medications or medical treatment. To manage your light ABL while waiting for treatment to work and correct the problem, consider Butterfly pads. The Buttefly pad is a new kind of discreet protection for ABL. It fits comfortably and invisibly in the buttocks, providing secure protection without the discomfort, bulk, and embarrassment of traditional fecal incontinence products. It has an absorbent core, odor protection, and stay fast wings to give protection you can count on. Learn more about ABL, and visit here to see this innovative new product and order a sample to see if the Butterfly could be your solution for peace of mind, confidence, and protection while treating your ABL.