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How to Stop Incontinence from Sabotaging Your Sex Life

Many people assume that once they have incontinence symptoms their sex life is over. This is not necessarily true. There are steps that you can take that will help you to manage your incontinence issues before, during and even after sexual activity. One of the most important things that you can do is have the right incontinence products on hand to use during your daily activities. Many people find that once they have a successful incontinence management strategy in place they are more confident about facing the issues that come with having incontinence and being sexually active. The person with incontinence may choose to wear a variety of incontinence products that range from incontinence pads, incontinence underwear or adult diapers. Anyone who is suffering with incontinence can find a wide variety of incontinence supplies that are sold online on sites that offer adult incontinence products. Here is what you need to know about how to stop incontinence from sabotaging your sex life-

How to choose the right incontinence products for you or a loved one

  • Plan ahead-Just like any other aspect of dealing with incontinence it is important to have a plan. Here are some steps that can lesson the chances of leakage and help you to prepare so you can relax. These steps are-
  1. Watch what you drink-You should continue to stay well hydrated but about an hour before having sex don’t drink any fluids. Keep in mind that it also matters what you are drinking. You want to make sure to avoid coffee, tea, or any type of caffeinated beverage since these types of drinks can act as bladder stimulants and make your incontinence symptoms worse.
  2. Take some time in the bathroom-It goes without saying that you need to go to the bathroom before having sex but many health experts recommend the practice of double voiding. In order to do this you should go to the bathroom, and then take the time to make sure that your bladder is fully relaxed and go again.
  3. Prepare the bed-If you are worried about leakage then you may want to prepare your bed (or wherever you will be). There are incontinence bed pads that can be laid down that will protect bedding and furniture. Remember, that relaxation is the key to a pleasurable sexual experience so you need to make sure that you are not worried about leakage.
  • Talk to your partner-As with any other aspect of your sex life communication is crucial when it comes to incontinence and sexuality. If you trust your partner and let them know what your concerns are they will be better able to provide the support that you need. Many people feel embarrassed to discuss this issue even with someone they are intimate with. This is unfortunate since honest communication can bring two people even closer. If you find that despite communicating with each other there are still difficulties you may want to consider consulting a counselor or therapist who specializes in helping people deal with incontinence and sexuality.
  • Seek treatment-All indications show that incontinence in both genders is a highly underreported problem. It is crucial that once you begin experiencing incontinence symptoms that you immediately seek out a medical evaluation. This is the best way to receive an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate treatment. Keep in mind that most cases of incontinence are caused by an underlying medical issue and treatment of this issue often resolves the incontinence symptoms and frees up the person to enjoy a less stressful and more joyful sex life.
  • Try the LiveAnew Besfit HelperDesigned and Developed for you.

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