Incontinence can strike at any age and this is why you need to purchase quality incontinence products to help you manage your condition. College students may suddenly find that they are dealing with the embarrassment of incontinence, which can come on thanks to high levels of stress along with eating foods that are irritating the bladder and causing it to release urine. To learn how to manage incontinence in college you first need to know what incontinence is and what you are up against: In many conditions urinary incontinence is completely treatable with lifestyle changes or in some cases surgery may be needed. This is helpful information to anyone that is suffering from incontinence problems in college and is looking for a solution now, not a long-term care approach.
After meeting with a doctor to discuss incontinence you then need to stock up on incontinence supplies that will help you to maintain your dignity. There are various incontinence products for women and incontinence products for men that differ in their absorbency along with the type of protection they can provide to you. Adult diapers are usually talked about when a person is trying to manage incontinence. Adult diapers come in a variety of options. You can easily find a pair of reusable adult diapers that actually resemble your regular underwear. This makes them quite discrete so your roommates will not be able to tell that you are wearing them or that you have a problem with incontinence.
Disposable adult diapers are effective but since you need to toss them in the garbage, it may be a little harder for you to keep your condition secret from your roommates if you share a bathroom. Some people find that the best way to manage incontinence in college is by getting their own apartment. This way you won’t need to worry about telling your secret to anyone else and you won’t have to risk them finding your stash of adult diapers in the bathroom.
Managing incontinence can happen when you do visit with your doctor and find out what you need to do. In addition to wearing the incontinence products on a daily basis your doctor will likely recommend some exercises that you can do in order to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which can give you greater bladder control. Your doctor will also discuss some lifestyle behaviors that you need to avoid like excessive drinking. If you allow yourself to drink too much, you can lose control over your bladder and it is likely that you will have an accident in public, and heavily embarrass yourself. Maintaining mental control is just as important as focusing on how you can learn to control your bladder.
One of the best ways to cope with incontinence in college is to surround yourself with people that are your true friends and supportive of you. Do not confide in just anyone and make sure that only the people that you truly trust and respect will ever know about your condition. This way you won’t need to worry about people teasing you for wearing adult diapers and they instead will know just how sensitive and embarrassing this condition is for you.