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Bladder Control Problems, A Closer Look

Incontinence and bladder control problems are fairly common, but are often under reported, and not talked about. Most thank incontinence issues only affect the very old and very sick. You may be surprised to learn problems with bladder control affect people of all ages, health status and both genders. However, this type of problem is one of the most under-reported health issues today, and one that is very treatable. Many people allow their embarrassment and fear of public discovery keep them from gaining the treatment and relief which they need. Most types of bladder control issues can be successfully treated and managed with a consult from a health care professional and a treatment plan. 

There are several different types of incontinence which can affect bladder control. Knowing what type you have is important since there are specific treatments that will work best with one type over another. These types include: 

  • Stress-This type of bladder control problem really has very little to do with stress. The person who is experiencing this will find they leak a little urine or even lose control of their bladder if they sneeze, laugh, or do other physical exertion. This is the most common type for women under the age of 75. This is most often brought on by damage that has occurred to the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy and childbirth. The hormonal changes which occur during menopause can also bring this on, as well. Keep in mind this type of bladder control problem is highly treatable and sometimes curable. 
  • Urge-This type is demonstrated when a person has a sudden and uncontrollable urge to urinate. Often times the person is unable to get to the bathroom on time. Many times there is an underlying medical condition which has brought this on. 
  • Overflow-This type is demonstrated when the individual is unable to fully empty their bladder. This type of incontinence is rare in women but it does happen. It can be weak pelvic muscles or damaged nerves which are causing this to occur. Most of the time doctors will find that the patient has a blockage which is making this happen so it is crucial to seek out medical care if this is happening to you or someone in your care. 
  • Functional-This type of bladder control problem occurs when there is a functional or physical problem which is not allowing the person to get to the bathroom in time. There are a number of different diseases and other mobility issues which can bring this on. Again, since this is most often caused by a medical issue it should be treated along with any urinary and bladder issues. 
  • Mixed-This is the diagnosis when someone is experiencing more then one type of bladder incontinence. 

It is important for anyone who is experiencing bladder control issues to know there are many different treatment options and management strategies. There is no need to suffer alone. There are also products and supplies which can make the day to day management of bladder control problems easier. While seeking treatment options such as biofeedback, bladder training, Kegel exercises, and even possibly surgery, use absorbent products, and other products to make life easier, more comfortable, and the condition more discreet.

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